lamb alive: Compromise(rs)?


lamb alive

It's really all about JESUS. I'm going to make every effort to wave HIS flag here, not mine.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Friday, October 06, 2006



Dear Friends,

If you don't think the political "arena" is a place of compromise, let this old man try to give some focus. We have recently witnessed the removal of Mark Foley from the U.S. House of Reps. And oh, what a buzz and flap now is made. But consider : Yesterday one of SRN's and Townhall's finest reminded his national audience this very true and relevant fact: That the Republican Party has been welcoming gays, (read homosexuals) into the fold for some time. He pointed out that Republican gays are part of the U.S. Government. They even have such a "sweet" name: The Log Cabin Party. Is that like in Lincoln's humble home? Or is that like putting "logs" into "the cabin"? Sorry, but I have seen much in present day Sodom, and we need to be reminded of just what sodomy is, for we seem to have altogether forgotten!

Now the harvest has come. And all the Republican Party faithful are aghast at Foley's indiscretions? Didn't they KNOW what the end would be of their decision to befriend such men/women? Very few know the pain and conflict of men who have fallen into the pit of sexual immorality and still have a desire to do good, and to serve. But today, what is needed to be done to HELP these men/women is not being done. And what is needed is painful for all involved and unpopular, and does not guarantee success. This is what is needed:

1) Call Homosexuality and all sexual immorality SIN. Say that God does call and condemn it as such, and that you agree with God. Do not condemn the immoral person- for your sins, of what ever bent, are many, or at the least enough, and God condemns all sin.
2) Identify and shun, and seek the removal of all immoral persons from the "party".

By now many are undoubtedly laughing, shaking their heads and thinking - "this is not the church we are talking about, it's the Government."!

Others might be thinking- "if only we could operate the Government as God rules the church".
And I'm thinking- "if only the church would obey God, and "legislate" from it's knees instead of trying to do it from the House floor".

Some may see that this is the Bible's way that I proposed for the Republican "party". It was demonstrated (done) in the Church at Corinth. Paul, the apostle of the Messiah, instructed the church to remove the immoral man for the sake of that man's own soul, and also for the well being of the church. It is clear that they followed his instructions, for later Paul instructed them to welcome the man back into their fellowship, for he (surely must have) repented, reformed, changed. And we shall (?) hope and pray for Mark Foley, yes?, no?

But questions do present here, for some still say we shall have a fine involvement of our faith and politics. Shall those in political and very public civil life or those in the Republican "party", (see Galatians 5:19-21 Amplified Version) submit and be bound to Bible ways? This is the very dilemma that is warred over in the guise of the separation of church and state. For to live in submission to the God of the Bible is not popular, and is quite abhorrent to those who prefer, endorse, and promote "gay" ways (and atheist ways). Next question: What level of authority do Christians have to make law for those who resist God's law? Did God commission us to become civil legislators or to make disciples? We may posit a mandate from "our founding fathers"; but do we have that mandate from God whose Son would have us "call no man father"? (see Matthew 23:9) Is it ever possible to establish civil law apart from all the wishes of all the people? Is compromise of right ways ever entirely avoided? And if not, and I think it is not, how shall we account for the damage done (or at least possible) by our compromises? Is not compromise of God's way itself sin for the believer, the christian? Does God ever charge the church to rule the civil magestries? These are questions not addressed since the 1500's in most places where the church has been established.

Frankly, I think it quite reasonable in the U.S. of A. for the church to butt out of the civil government which christian men founded in such a way to stay out of their affairs. All this really does illuminate is the temporal nature of time that God has ordained for all men: we call it 2006, and men's inability to explain the Constitution, and also particularly churchmen's inability to explain right doctrine. Does christendom in North American want to do daily war in state and national capitols, to win what God says we might well have by faith from our knees, and this in addition to the war it does do daily within it's own denominal houses? (See 1 Corinthians 11:18,19)

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." Paul, apostle of Christ 1 Timothy 2:1-3

I note that no recommendation is made to apply to Ceasar for admission to the Senate, and that the words quiet, peaceable, godliness, and honesty are not often adjectives associated with Washington insiders, or insider wannabes.

We who name the Name of Jesus must think over very carefully our walk through the political world which so many Christians (?) commend. Yes? No? The saying goes, "Get down on your knees and fight like a man". And how I also need to do this, and more. I know a lot about compromise. Please pray for me as well as Mr. Foley…


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