lamb alive: What say ye?


lamb alive

It's really all about JESUS. I'm going to make every effort to wave HIS flag here, not mine.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Thursday, July 27, 2006

What say ye?

As a "child of the 60's and 70's" my anti-US government sentiments were fueled by the "counter culture" and a lot of drugs. I now am not very kindly disposed toward the Govt. for new reasons : abortion for example. I realize that until God says not, I must obey the all laws of the land. Without bitterness. Yet I believe that we must do more to oppose those laws which do violate God's laws. Abortion in particular, and also the permissive laws re pornography, the lax war on drugs, and the legalizing of gay marriage. But this may speak nothing new to you.

I may surprise some, but I think that the christian preoccupation with issues such as ten commandment monuments and even prayer in school do drain financial and spiritual resources from more important efforts in the public square. My decided opinion is that if I know the ten commandments and Jesus Christ, I don't need to see them in every court house, or a nativity scene in every courtyard.

They will know us by our fruits, not by our bumper stickers, monuments, displays, or any other (to them, if not to us) empty religiosity. They are offended by our displays of religiosity, especially when they discover us in our own hypocrisies of sin. It is not our job to offend them, but to pray and do good to them. Will we be willing to form our children in prayer- at home where others will not be offended? Or must we leave that also entirely up to their school teachers?

Of course it would be good if the pagan/athiest culture would be willing to have their children endure our prayers. They are not. And our insistence of these rights only drives unbelief further into their souls. Enough! Let your and your children's good behavior and good deeds testify of God.

I do draw the line at the point where they forbid house meetings and Bible/Tract distribution (public or private) We have a good constitution to guarantee religious freedom. Let's not cause the unbelieving world to change it by insisting they "eat from our troughs". Let's not rub their noses in what many of us don't yet comprehend about faith in God.

I say let them take the monuments down. Have three minutes of sincere prayer with your children before sending them off to school. Take the millions of dollars saved in legal fees and put it to work in better things. Let's let our light shine as Christ commands, and not be whiners over these stones (momuments), dare I say idols? I dare. Even the right to pray can become an idol. Yes? No?


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