Superego >>> << EGO >> <<< Id
ID The term id is a Latinised derivation from Groddeck's das Es.[1] It stands in direct opposition to the super-ego. It is dominated by the pleasure principle. It is a mass of instinctive drives and impulses, and demands immediate satisfaction.
EGO In Freud’s theory, the ego mediates among the id, the super-ego and the external world. Its task is to find a balance between primitive drives, morals, and reality while satisfying the id and superego.
SUPEREGO Freud's theory states that the super-ego is a symbolic internalization of the father figure and cultural regulations. The super-ego tends to stand in opposition to the desires of the id because of their conflicting objectives, and is aggressive towards the ego. The super-ego acts as the conscience, maintaining our sense of morality and the prohibition of taboos.
[1] Groddeck, G.W. (1928). "The Book of the It" Nervous and Mental Diseases Publishing Com, New York
The above adapted from wikipedia at:
Id would destroy us, ego would preserve us in our pleasures and sins, superego would, does control the outcome of the life of unredeemed flesh. Conscience unredeemed, sentience uninformed by and in the Almighty can only seek control of Id (and the Id’s of others) to advance the success of the ego. Yet no matter which prevails the end is the same, ego goes to hell.
It seems that Satan knows or anticipates or intuits the very thing, the very victory God is leading us in, or toward, and he attempts to drive a wedge just at that point. If God is promising us “A” and revealing His gift of it (as part of our salvation) Satan tries to advance “not A” or “anti A”. “C” is attacked with “not C”. “not A” and “not C” and all his other “nots” are often such close counterfeits to the Real Truth, we “fall” for it. The fruit looked good to Eve after Satan sinfully yet subtly “notted” God’s one command saying to her “thou shall not surely die”. It was the crafty destruction of faith, faith which would have kept the unseen, yet unknown experience of dying from being “birthed” in sin.
Adam and Eve had never sinned and didn’t yet know the difference between good and evil in their experience. Was this why their confidence in God was overcome? Satan is the person of sin, and the power of sin is deceit. Eve was deceived. A very powerful creature Satan cast the net of deceit over her. That Adam is never reckoned as deceived implies he had motive to eat. Was this a battle along the lines of Id Ego Superego? Was Adam looking for a solution to being separated from Eve? For a moment she was dying and Adam was living. Did he think he could choose Eve’s sin over God and His Word and live? Crimes, sins always have motives, but the sinning, criminal, harmful, superego has lost the truth and ability to fend off deceit. If we would be harmless we must overcome the deceit of sin. But if we are deceived, how can we know truth while our whole being is in deceit?
Satan, deceived in himself, thought that he could not only kill them by deceiving them to eat, but that He could kill God, and take over the universe. It was a plan which backfired, yet it did take countless souls away to hell.
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